Shelly Saves the Day is a Seattle based video creator and YouTube Coach. Shelly is passionate about helping creators learn how to share what they love with the world through video and make money doing it.

Shelly is the owner of Content Minis which is a micro-content repurposing editing and scheduling company, the creator of iMovie Made Easy, (a comprehensive online video editing course), and was formerly the Sr. Video Manager and Product Expert at TubeBuddy.

Shelly has been a speaker at the following Conferences:

– DigiMarCon Seattle 2024

– VidSummit Emcee 2023

– DigiMarCon Vancouver Keynote Speaker 2023

– DigiMarCon Seattle 2023

– Expand Your Reach Summit

– VidFest/PodFest Global

– Digital Inspiration Summit

– Social Media Video Summit

– VidSummit 2022

– Video Reframed Summit

– Leap Into Live Streaming

– People of Video

– Seattle YouTube Day

​​Shelly has appeared on the following podcasts:

– Road to Revenue (by GeniusLink)

– TubeTalk

– Women of YouTube 

– Glitched VR 

– Voice of Social Sales

– Tube Labs

– Vypdrive

– Start Inspired 

– Ask Avi Arya Show

– Video Marketing

– Technically Speaking

Shelly’s Social Notes:

3.2+ Million Views on YouTube

8.2+ Million Views on TikTok

484+ Million Views on Giphy